catch fire

[kætʃ ˈfaɪə(r)]
  • 释义
  • 着火;失火;发火;走水;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Paper is apt to catch fire.


  • 2、

    The dry grass catch fire, but we beat it out.

    乾草著火了, 但我们把火扑灭了.

  • 3、

    Cohen is an expert on how houses catch fire.


  • 4、

    Cars no longer catch fire at the slightest provocation.


  • 5、

    He saw a car crash then catch fire outside his house.


  • 6、

    Do not stand too close to that stove. Your clothes may catch fire.

    你不要站得离炉子太近, 衣服会烧着的.

  • 7、

    The papers in the waste paper basket catch fire.


  • 8、

    This morning 8:00, multiply by to catch fire a car, we at Hangzhou.

    今天上午8点, 乘着火车, 我们来到了杭州.

  • 9、

    We collected sticks to boil our kettle, but they were damp and would not catch fire.

    我们拾柴烧水, 但是柴太湿了,烧不起来.

  • 10、

    For the first time the campaign began to catch fire.


  • 11、

    If your clothes catch fire, stop immediately.

    如果你的衣服着火了, 马上停下来.

  • 12、

    What might have happened the center of the cloud to make the Sun catch fire?

    太阳一旦起火燃烧,云团的中心会产生什麽变化 呢 ?

  • 13、

    If target has been doused , he will also catch fire.


  • 14、

    Those trees in the forest catch fire when lightning strikes them.


  • 15、

    High Safety Performance Fe battery will not catch fire under collision, over charged or short circuit.

    高安全性2.铁电池在挤压 、 过充、短路的情况下不会着火,即使被投入火中也不会爆炸.

  • 16、

    A fault in the drying cycle can cause the dryer to catch fire.


  • 17、

    Don't stand too close to the gas stove. Your clothes may catch fire.

    不要站离瓦斯炉太近, 你的衣服可能会著火.

  • 18、

    The bedclothes catch fire and the whole house may be burnt down.


  • 19、

    Makeshift cookers also catch fire easily, maiming and killing.

    临时的炉具也很容易着火, 导致人员残废和死亡.

  • 20、

    When the light shines just sg s bronze squares in the doors seem to catch fire.


  • 21、

    Don't stand too close to that stove. Your clothes may catch fire.

    不要太靠近火炉, 你的衣服可能因此着火.

  • 22、

    It may also melt or boil or cook or catch fire or explode.


  • 23、

    Loose tobacco shreds catch fire: a flame and acrid smoke light our corner.

    卷得松松的烟丝点燃了: 火焰和呛人的烟把我们这个角落照亮了.

  • 24、

    On the other hand, at greater distances , only those most easily ignitable will catch fire.

    另一方面, 在距离较远的地方, 只有那些容易燃烧的材料才会着火.
